Wayamba University Shines in the International Arena
A research paper titled Anomaly Detection and Identification Using Visual Techniques in Streaming Video authored Mr. T.A. Wanigaaratchi and co-authored by Dr. VGTN Vidanagama, was
Department of Computing & Information Systems
Department of Computing & Information Systems,
Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Sri Lanka.
+(94) 37 2282759
+(94) 37 2283622
A research paper titled Anomaly Detection and Identification Using Visual Techniques in Streaming Video authored Mr. T.A. Wanigaaratchi and co-authored by Dr. VGTN Vidanagama, was
The Faculty Awards Ceremony of the Faculty of Applied Sciences was held at the Pandith Amaradewa Auditorium on February 20, 2020. Fifty two students who