Department of Industrial Management,
Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Sri Lanka.
+(94) 37 2283619
+(94) 37 2283622

Dr. A. Pallegedara
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
+(94) 37 2283619
+(94) 37 2281414
+(94) 37 2283619
- Bachelor of Engineering (2007) – University of Electro-Communications, Japan
- Master of Arts (MA) in Development Economics (2010) – National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Development Economics (2011) – National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan
- Development Economics, Financial Economics, Industrial Economics,Health Economics
- Business Economics (1st Year)
- Service Management (2nd Year)
- Supply Chain Management(4th Year)
- Economics for Managers (2nd Year)
- Design and Development of Computer basedProject (3rd Year),
- Visual Programming (2nd Year)
- Design and Development of BusinessProject and Research 4th Year)
- Operations Research (2nd year)
Duties Assigned by the Vice-Chancellor
- Coordinator, External Affairs (Kuliyapitiya premises), 2015-2016
- Project coordinator, AHEAD DOR Project – FAS, since 2020
Duties Assigned by the Faculty Board/ Dean of the Faculty
- Coordinator, Faculty Quality Assurance Cell, since 2018
- Faculty representative to ADPSEC, since 2019
- Coordinator, UBL Cell, since 2018
- Member, Faculty Higher Degree Committee, 2013 – 2016
- Member, Faculty Quality Assurance Cell, since 2015
- QIG grant activity coordinator, 2015-2016
Systems Engineer, Fujitsu Limited, Japan, 2007-2008]
Journal Articles
- Kumara, A.S., Pallegedara, A. (2020). Household waste disposal mechanisms in SriLanka: Nation-wide survey evidence for their trends and determinants. WasteManagement, Vol. 114, pp. 62-71.
- Kairiza, T., Kembo, G., Pallegedara, A., Macheka, L. (2020). The impact of foodfortification on stunting in Zimbabwe: does gender of the household head matter?Nutrition Journal, Vol. 19, 22.
- Pallegedara, A., Kumara, A.S. (2020). Spending privately for education despitehaving a free public education policy: Evidence from Sri Lankan household surveys.International Journal of Social Economics. Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 561-580.
- Pallegedara, A. (2020). Preference for the parboiled rice: Empirical evidence from SriLanka. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies. Vol. 10.
- Jayarathne, M., Dissanayake, J. and Pallegedara, A. (2020). Implementation of greenmanufacturing concepts: a case study of tea manufacturing industry in Sri Lanka.Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, Vol.20 No.2, pp.186 – 194.
- Pallegedara, A. (2019). Food consumption choice and demand by the Sri Lankanhouseholds: Trends, drivers and policy implication. Journal of Agribusiness inDeveloping and Emerging Economies. Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 520-535.
- Khondoker, A. Rahut, D. and Pallegedara, A. (2019). Spending privately for7. Khondoker, A. Rahut, D. and Pallegedara, A. (2019). Spending privately foreducation in Nepal. Who spends more on it and why? International Journal ofEducational Development. Vol. 69, pp. 39-47.
- Pallegedara, A. (2019). An exploration into the household pipe-borne waterconsumption: Empirical evidence from Sri Lankan household surveys. InternationalJournal of Economics and Business Research. Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 473-490.
- Pallegedara, A. and Grimm, M. (2018). Have out-of-pocket health care paymentsrisen under free health care policy? The case of Sri Lanka. The International Journalof Health Planning and Management. Vol. 33, No. 3. pp. e781-e797. DOI:
- Pallegedara, A. (2018). Private tutoring expenditure: An empirical analysis based onSri Lankan households. Review of Development Economics. Vol. 22, No.3. pp. 1278-1295. DOI:
- Pallegedara, A. (2018). Impacts of chronic non-communicable diseases onhouseholds’ out-of-pocket healthcare expenditures in Sri Lanka. International Journalof Health Economics and Management. Vol. 18, No. 3. pp. 301-319. DOI:
- Pallegedara, A. and Mottaleb, KA. (2018): Patterns and Determinants of PrivateTutoring: The Case of Bangladesh Households, International Journal of EducationalDevelopment. Vol. 59, pp. 43-50.
- Pallegedara, A. and Grimm, M. (2017). Demand for private healthcare in a universalpublic healthcare system: empirical evidence from Sri Lanka. Health Policy andPlanning. Vol 32, Issue 9, pp. 1267–1284.
- Pallegedara, A. (2017). Factors affecting SMEs’ access to bank finance: an evidencefrom Sri Lanka, International Journal of Economics and Business Research. Vol. 13,No. 1, pp. 30-42.
- Thanabalasingam, V., and Pallegedara, A. (2014) ‘Impacts of NGO intervention onpoverty reduction: an empirical evidence from rural Sri Lanka’, International Journalof Sustainable Economy. Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 288-301.
- Pallegedara, A. (2013) ‘Dynamic Relationships between Stock Market Performanceand Short Term Interest Rates. Empirical Evidence from Sri Lanka’, Sri LankanJournal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-14.
- Pallegedara, A. (2012) ‘Demand for private tutoring in a free education country. Thecase of Sri Lanka’, International Journal of Education Economics and Development,Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 375–393.
- Pallegedara, A. (2012) “Impacts of services sector policy reforms. CGE modelanalysis based on Sri Lanka”. wayamba journal of management, Vol. 3 No.2, pp.17-29.
- Pallegedara, A. and Yamano, T. (2011). “Impacts of universal secondary educationpolicy on secondary school enrollments in Uganda”. Journal of Accounting, financeand economics, Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 16-30.
Pallegedara, A. (2013). “Private supplementary tutoring: A growing phenomenon of shadoweducation system”. Uplifting academic and institutional environment in higher education,Selected topics, Book edited by Jayasinghe, U and Jayaweera, A.ISBN: 978-955-4709-05-8. Staff Development Center, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
International Conferences (Presented in Conferences and Published asAbstracts/Full Articles)
- Pallegedara, A. (2017). Why out-of-pocket Health Expenses Rise Under Free HealthCare Policy? Empirical Analysis Based on Sri Lankan Household Surveys. 5th RSEPSocial Sciences Conference, Barcelona, Spain. 7-10 of November.
- Pallegedara, A. (2017). Have out-of-pocket health care payments risen under freehealth care policy? The case of Sri Lanka. Passau Research Colloquium on SoutheastAsia, Passau University, Germany. 24th May.
- Pallegedara A, Grimm M (2016). Demand for private healthcare in a universal publichealth care system. Empirical evidence from Sri Lanka. CERDI, Ecole d’Economie,University of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France. 3rd – 4th of November.
- Pallegedara A (2016). Impacts of chronic diseases on out-of-pocket healthexpenditure in Sri Lanka. Network Meeting. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany. 5th -7th October 2016.
- Pallegedara A, Grimm M (2016). Demand for private healthcare in a universal publichealth care system. Empirical evidence from Sri Lanka. Anneliese Maier ResearchAward, Award Ceremony and Colloquium. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.Berlin 7th – 10th of September.
- Pallegedara, A. and Yamano, T. (2011). “Impacts of universal secondary educationpolicy on secondary school enrollments in Uganda”. Conference proceedings, GlobalAccounting, Finance and Economics Conference. Melbourne. Australia.
Local Conferences (Presented in Conferences and Published as Abstracts/FullArticles)
- Soysa N., Pallegedara A., Deegahawature MMDR. (2019). Effects of global crude oilprice fluctuation on the current account balance in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 8th SriLanka Economic Research Conference (SLERC) 2019. Wayamba University of SriLanka. 20th December.
- Pallegedara A (2019). Measuring Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health Diseases. AnEmpirical Analysis Based on Sri Lankan Household Surveys. Proceedings of the 2ndInternational Symposium on Social Sciences & Humanities (ISSSH) 2019 -Development Towards Sustainability. National Centre for Advanced Studies inHumanities and Social Sciences (NCAS), Sri Lanka. 12th -13th December.
- Pallegedara A (2018). An empirical analysis of household energy consumption choicein Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Research Conference in Humanities andSocial Sciences (IRCHSS) 2018. University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka. 29th -30th November.
- Pallegedara A (2018). Socio-economic inequalities in self-reported noncommunicablehealth diseases in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the The 19th InternationalPostgraduate Research Conference (IPRC) 2018. Faculty of Graduate Studies,University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 5th December.
- Pallegedara A, Khondoker M (2018). What factors affect the food consumption in SriLanka? Empirical analysis based on nationwide household surveys. Proceedings ofthe Wayamba University International Conference (WinC) 2018. Wayambathe Wayamba University International Conference (WinC) 2018. WayambaUniversity of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. 24th – 25th August.
- Pallegedara A, Khondoker, M (2018). Determinants of parboiled rice consumption inSri Lanka: empirical evidence using household surveys. Proceedings of the WayambaUniversity International Conference (WinC) 2018. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka. 24th – 25th August.
- Pallegedara A, Khondoker, M (2018). Households’ preferences for the different typesof rice: The case of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Wayamba University InternationalConference (WinC) 2018. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. 24th – 25thAugust.
- Pallegedara A, Khondoker, M (2018). Factors affecting household energyconsumption in Sri Lanka: An econometric analysis based on household surveys.Proceedings of the Wayamba University International Conference (WinC) 2018.Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. 24th – 25th August.
- Nayanadarshani WMB, Pallegedara A (2016). Impacts of the sudden power outagesin the apparel industry: the case of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the WayambaUniversity International Conference (WinC) 2016. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka. 19th – 20th August.
- Sewwandika WGR, Pallegedara A (2016). Factors affecting raw material inventoryholding: a case study in Sri Lankan rubber industry. Proceedings of the WayambaUniversity International Conference (WinC) 2016. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka. 19th – 20th August.
- Erandika MDI and Pallegedara A (2016). Examine the critical stage of leatherwastage in shoe manufacturing process: a case study of Sri Lankan shoemanufacturing industry. Proceedings of the Wayamba University InternationalConference (WinC) 2016. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. 19th – 20thAugust.
- Kothalawala KDPM and Pallegedara A (2016). Impact of non-productive activities onproductivity in the apparel industry in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the WayambaUniversity International Conference (WinC) 2016. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka. 19th – 20th August.
- Sewwandika WGR and Pallegedara A (2016). Factors Affecting Raw MaterialInventory Holding: A Case Study of Sri Lankan Rubber Industry. Symposiumproceedings, ASBIRES 2016. Faculty of Applied Sciences. Wayamba University ofSri Lanka. 27th July.
- Kothalawala KDPM and Pallegedara A (2016). Non-productive Activities &Effectiveness of the Methods to minimize them on the Sewing Floor: A Case Study ofthe Sri Lankan Apparel Industry. Symposium proceedings, ASBIRES 2016. Facultyof Applied Sciences. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. 27th July.
- Nayanadarshani WMB, Pallegedara A (2016). Effects of the Sudden Power Outagesin the Apparel Industry: A Case of Sri Lanka. Symposium proceedings, ASBIRES2016. Faculty of Applied Sciences. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. 27th July.
- Erandika MDI and Pallegedara A (2016). Investigating the Critical Stages of LeatherWastage in Shoe Manufacturing Process: A Case Study of the Sri Lankan ShoeManufacturing Industry. . Symposium proceedings, ASBIRES 2016. Faculty ofApplied Sciences. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. 27th July.
- Kodippili, K.N.D. and Pallegedara, A. (2015). “The nature of SMEs and their accessto financial services. A study of selected SMEs in Sri Lanka”. Symposium proceedings, ASBIRES2015. Faculty of Applied Sciences. Wayamba University ofproceedings, ASBIRES2015. Faculty of Applied Sciences. Wayamba University ofSri Lanka. 5th August.
- Dayathilaka, D.K.M.M. and Pallegedara, A. (2014). “Determinants of productiontarget failures in sewing modules: an analysis from a case study of apparel industry insri lanka”. Proceedings of the Wayamba University International Conference (WinC)2014. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. 29th and 30th August.
- Weerasooriya W.N., and Pallegedara, A. (2013). ”Impacts of employee training anddevelopment on production efficiency. Evidence from a case study of apparelindustry”. Symposium proceedings, ASBIRES2013. Faculty of Applied Sciences.Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. 7th August.
Essays on the economics of education in developing countriesThesis advisor: Prof. Takashi Yamano
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Return Fellowship to conduct research atWayamba University of Sri Lanka, (2018-2019).
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, George Foster Research Fellowship to conductpost-doctoral research studies at University of Passau in Federal Republic of Germany(2016-2018).
- Japanese government Monbusho (MEXT) scholarship to study PhD in DevelopmentEconomics studies at GRIPS, (2010-2011).
- GRIPS Merit fellowship to study MA in Development Economics at GRIPS, (2008-2010).
- Japanese government Monbusho (MEXT) scholarship to study undergraduate studies,(2001-2007).
- Sri Lankan government Mahapola (Merit) scholarship for high academic achievementin GCE A/L exam to study at University of Moratuwa, (2000, declined to study inJapan).
- Peoples Bank of Srilanka Scholarship for best GCE O/L results in the KurunegalaDistrict of SriLanka to study GCE A/L studies, (1997-1999).
- Short Course: “Summer School on Environmental and Resource Economics” -Organized by the The South Asian Network for Development and EnvironmentalEconomics (SANDEE) – held at the AIT Conference Center, Pathumthani, Thailand,May 5-19, 2019.
- Conference: “The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in HigherEducation (INQAAHE) Biennial Conference 2019 – ‘Quality Assurance,Qualifications, and Recognition: Fostering Trust in a Globalised World’ hosted bythe University Grants Commission (UGC) Sri Lanka- held at Colombo, Sri Lanka,from 25th – 28th March 2019.
Local (Sri Lanka)
- Workshop for Self Evaluation Report Writers for Programme Reviews, QualityAssurance Council of the UGC, 26th November 2019. Colombo.
- Workshop on “The Changing Role of IQAUs and IQACs in Promoting Quality withinthe University”. 23 August 2019. University of Colombo. Colombo.
- Stakeholder workshop to validate the work done by SLQF Review Team, 29th January2020 at AHEAD operations, Colombo.
- Workshop on Developing Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO), Mapping curriculumand Designing course materials conducted by Staff development center of WayambaUniversity of Sri Lanka on 11th of December 2015 at SDC center, Makandura.
- Workshop on Capacity building program on Social Media for Development andGovernance conducted by ICTA and UN-APCICT on 7th and 9th of October 2015 atWater’s edge, Colombo
- Workshop on Managerial Skills Development conducted by Mr. Thilakasiri, M,SLIDA on 24th and 25th of April 2015 at SLIDA, Colombo.
- Workshop on Industrial Training & Development program conducted by Prof.Munasinghe, L. and Dr. Rupasinghe, T., on 23rd of April 2015 at Faculty of AppliedSciences, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
- Workshop on Enhancing Entrepreneurial Characteristics conducted by Mr. W.S.Udayanga at Faculty of Applied Sciences, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
- Workshop on Approaches to reactivate university courses to meet higher educationtrends and challenges conducted by Prof. Suki Ekarathne, Director of AcademicProgrammes, The University of Hong Kong on 25th February 2015 at StaffDevelopment Centre, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
Research grants
- Waste Recycling Behaviour of Households and Sustainability Reporting Practices ofFirms in Achieving SDGs Goal 12. AHEAD, Development Oriented Research Grants(DOR) Grants funded by World Bank. (2020-2022).
Reviewer of research papers
- Economic Analysis and Policy, Elsevier.
- Agribusiness, Wiley and Sons.
- Review of Development Economics, Wiley and Sons.
- Journal of Development Studies, Taylor and Francis.
- Technology and Society, Elsevier.
- International Journal of Education Economics and Development, IndersciencePublishers.
- American Journal of Rural Development, Science and Education Publishing.
- Health Promotion International, Oxford University Press.
- International Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier.
- European Journal of Development Research, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Heliyon, Elsevier.
- PlosOne, Public Library of Science.
Positions at International Conferences
- 1st Wayamba International Conference (WinC 2014). Member of Food Committee,Editorial Committee
- 3rd Wayamba International Conference (WinC 2018). Member of Food and refreshmentCommittee
- Forum for University Economist (2019). Member of food and refreshment committee.