The Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences organized “Workshop on Mathematical Sciences-2014” as one of the post conferences of the Wayamba International Conference, 2014 (WinC-2014) with the participation of foreign and Sri Lankan Mathematicians. This workshop intends to be a global forum for researchers to present and discuss recent research work in the field of Mathematical Sciences.
Organizing Committee
- E.M.P. Ekanayake (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Co-Chair)
- Shuichi Kawashima (Kyushu University, Co-Chair)
- Kenji Nishihara (Waseda University)
- Tohru Nakamura (Kyushu University)
- Priyanjana M.N. Dharmawardane (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Coordinator)
- W.M.P.M. Wickramasinghe (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka)
- P.A.D.A.N. Appuhamy (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka)
- N.A.D.N. Napagoda (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka)
Invited Speakers
- Priyanjana M.N. Dharmawardane (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka)
- W.J.M.L.P. Jayasinghe (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka)
- Hideki Murakawa (Kyushu University, Japan)
- Makoto Nakamura (Yamagata University, Japan)
- Tohru Nakamura (Kyushu University, Japan)
- Shinya Nishibata (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Reinhard Racke (University of Konstanz, Germany)
- Yoshihiro Ueda (Kobe University, Japan)