A research paper titled Anomaly Detection and Identification Using Visual Techniques in Streaming Video authored Mr. T.A. Wanigaaratchi and co-authored by Dr. VGTN Vidanagama, was presented at the highly recognized 11th IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON 2020) held virtually. Mr. Wanigaaratchi is a B.Sc. Special Degree student at the Department of Computing & Information systems, Faculty of Applied Sciences and the research was conducted as the final year research project under the supervision of Dr. Vidanagama.
IEEE UEMCON 2020 had followed a rigorous review process and out of over 300 submissions only 25% were selected for publication. The conference had gathered over 120 distinguished reviewers from high ranking Universities from all over the world. The conference was attended by participants from over 40 countries and the research was presented online in the SESSION 2: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING. It was a proud moment to learn that Wayamba was the only participant representing Sri Lanka in this high level conference.
The paper will be submitted for publication at IEEE Xplore® digital library (Scopus, Ei Compendex, Web of Science and Google Scholar).
“Anomaly Detection and Identification Using Visual Techniques in Streaming Video”; T.A. Wanigaaratchi, V.G.T.N. Vidanagama, Proc. of 11th IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON 2020 – Virtual), pp 45-51, 28-31 Oct, 2020, New York, USA.